Crossing started with a simple idea:
Let's find direct and efficient ways to create and produce films.
There are so many types of film and content, not all require the same set up. Not all have the same lengthy timeline or budget. Many projects can be dealt with faster and more efficient when two partners collaborate closely. Crossing stands for the bridge between clients and a creative production house.
Crossing offers direct solutions for all kinds of communication tasks bringing together strategic approach, creative talent, production expertise and directorial genius.
Niels Klamroth
Senior Producer
Timm Weber
Creative Director
Alena Salgueiro
Motion Graphic Designer
Tim Süß
Jana Depner
Jeannine Rauchmann
Senior Assistant Producer
Martin Schön
Oliver Hack
Managing Partner
Antonia Burchardt
Andreas Haustein
Senior Producer
Christin Bourjau
Interactive Designer
Sofia Riello
Junior Motion Designer
Henrike Friedhoff
Lucie Hilchenbach
Assistant Producer
Shoana Abry
Management Assistent
Jan Wirth
Interactive Designer
Finn Röpcke
Assistant Producer
Moritz Möllenkamp
Editor / Post Production Coordinator
Juliane Zerbst
Senior Editorial Producer
Rebecca Scholtz